CEGA FLUIDAL Series (Super Plasticizers)

This series is developed for middle class and high-class concrete types.

Benefits are:

* Plasticizing effects,

* Reduction of water consumption,

* Application option for clean and not clean aggregates,

* Increase of the concrete durability,

* Enhancement of concrete strength for every age, significant strength increase,

* Reduction of cement consumption,

* Labor reduction due its self-compacting effect on concrete,

* Dosage 0,9%-1,2 % of Cement Mass.

Product /DescriptionSeasonRecommended DosageDensity (g/cm³)
CEGA FLUIDAL 700 Series Super-plasticiser to extend workability in high temperatures (up to 2 hours) without use of setting retardant.Summer0,9-1,2%1,15 ± 0,03
CEGA FLUIDAL 800 Series Super-plasticiser to extend workability ( > 1 hour) without use of setting retardant.Winter0,9-1,2%1,08 ± 0,02
CEGA FLUIDAL 1000 Series Super-plasticiser to extend workability (up to 2 hours) without use of setting retardant.For all seasons 0,9-1,2%1,10 ± 0,02