CEGA NEW SERIES: New generation for hyper-plasticizers

High- performance hyper-plasticizers for precast concrete the hyper plasticizers in this series are calibrated to progressively eliminate steam curing of cast concrete and as a result, increase the durability and service life of reinforced concrete structures.

The performance when using these hyper-plasticizers makes them particularly useful when mixing self-compacting concrete, they guarantee high slump of the mix without the negative effects of excessive stickiness in the cementitious matrix

Product /DescriptionSeasonRecommended DosageDensity (g/cm³)
CEGA New 2010 Series Hyper-plasticing accelelerator for extremely quick demoulding operations (6-8 hours) without steam curingWinter0,5-1,5%1,08±0,05
CEGA New 2012 Series Hyper-plasticing accelelerator for quick demoulding operations (up to 20 hours) without steam curingall season0,5-1,5%1,09±0,05
CEGA New 4010 Series Hyper-plasticing with excellent maintanence of workability and quick demoulding withour steam curing.Summer0,5-1,5%1,06 ± 0,05
CEGA New 4012 Series Ultra High-efficiency hyper-plasticing accelelerator for extremely quick demoulding operations (6-8) hours withput steam curingall season0,5-1,5%1,07 ± 0,05